About Us
OPA! is a new platform celebrating Roma culture in the U.K. and beyond. OPA! supports the cultural empowerment of Roma people and communities both on the ground and on its dedicated online platform. OPA! is a living archive for Roma creators to showcase their work, meet audiences and grow solidarity with Roma. OPA! builds a pipeline for success for Roma culture by addressing the effects of diaspora, providing creative industries support to content makers and generate new audiences of non-Roma people.
Originating in India many centuries ago, Roma have been subject to persecution, slavery, and discrimination for hundreds of years. To compensate for the lack of a home country or physical homes, Roma developed a unique cultural identity called ‘Romanipe’. When Roma meet with each other, they find home by expressing ‘Romanipe’ in the form of stories, songs, dance, art, clothing and social dynamics.
OPA! is operated by Ando Glaso, registered Roma charity in Glasgow that has been promoting Roma cultural heritage, citizenship, equality and education in Scotland since 2016 with a focus on tackling the cultural deprivation of Roma communities and fostering the social inclusion of Roma in the U.K.